Showing posts with label earrings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earrings. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"No one knows what's better for your business than you do." Do you think that's true? I sometimes find myself struggling with whether or not I know what I'm doing. Do I know how to brand? Do I know how to advertise correctly? Do I even know how to present my work in a way that appeals to people and speaks to who I am as a crafty crafter?

How hard is it to be yourself? You wouldn't think it would take so much work! But I find myself always changing something, experimenting with this, that or the other.
A light box afficianado from the start (terribly convenient!) I recently found my pictures a little...bleh. So I stepped away from the white box and tilted lamps and tossed a few pieces on a window sill in the morning.

I can't say I'm terribly displeased! It does limit the times you can take those pictures but the result are pretty nice!

Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm awfully proud of this new pair of earrings. They go up on Etsy tonight! But they are the first in a long line of experiments and tinkering that I have planned. Jewelry, yes I dream about it, is that so wrong? Maybe it should be. Jewelry making is my crack and there is no end to the list I'm compiling of things to try.
Since I'm using nothing but my profits to fund my new exploits Josh is nothing but supportive. I imagine he's getting tired of saying, "Yes, babe, it's cute", but that's what he signed on for! Skylar is all for it, too. He's old enough that I can set him down with a pile of his own beads and a strip of string, and set him loose! Phoenix, though, well let's just say I found a missing bead in one of his dirty diapers the other day. I did NOT dig it out and use it, so have no fear! No stinkied out beads in this jewelry! I promise! Should I patent this promise? Probably not.